
AEO Accreditation - MA.RA Logistics

The holidays of 2017 came to MA.RA Logistics with a long-awaited and desirable gift, besides the Integrated Management System which they update every year, they also obtained the AEO authorization.

Maintaining the position as a leading provider of domestic and international freight, warehousing and handling services is a bold target, as they want to do this in a responsible manner to the environment, civil society and employees.

In order to achieve this goal, an Integrated Management System in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2005 and SR OHSAS 18001: 2008 has been continuously implemented and updated, leading to continuous improvement of the organization's performance.

In addition to this Integrated Management System, MA.RA Logistics has decided to join and obtain the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). In order to obtain this status, the company has met criteria determined at the Community level for control systems, practical standards of competence or professional clarifications, financial solvency and past record of compliance with customs requirements.

Under Article 38 of Regulation 952/2013, there are two types of AEO authorizations:

  • AEOC - customs simplifications;
  • AEOS - security and safety;

   The type of AEO authorization obtained by MA.RA Logistics Quality is AEOC - customs simplifications.

Access to customs simplifications shall take place in accordance with the customs rules in force and this simplification shall entail:

  • Reducing the number of physical and documentary checks;
  • Priority treatment of shipments if selected for control;
  • Possibility to choose the location to perform the controls;