Every year Christmas brings an opportunity to celebrate with our beloved ones and to reflect what's been left behind.
Christmas comes with presents as an occasion to share some good moments with our customers and partners. However this year at ALPI UK we have considered that we can play a better role by helping those who are helping others.
One of our Officers in fact has recently gone through a touching experience that involved his family and made him and his beloved ones go through very hard moments.
He was referred to Great Ormond Street Hospital where Dr Anna Martinez treated the case with the utmost care.
His words towards this fine institution touched all our hearts and we have therefore decided to make a donation to the GOSH as a proof of our appreciation:
"A few years back a beautiful girl was born. She brought joy and overwhelming love to her parents.
Within a few hours something was very wrong and the local hospital prepared her parents for the worst possible situation. Within hours this beautiful girl was transferred to Great Ormond Street Hospital, where doctors quickly diagnosed this beautiful girl with Incontinentia Pigmenti and acted incredibly fast to minimise the damages.
This condition is very rare and only 6 or 7 children in the UK are born with it every year. Great Ormond Street Hospital knew exactly what to do and were very honest with her parents. They immediately acted to do everything they could to help.
Great Ormond Street Hospital saved my daughter life and managed to keep some of her sight so that this beautiful girl could look at her parents and smile for the first time."